《Coin Tycoon: Random Battle》游戏介绍
《Coin Tycoon: Random Battle》是一款简单而富有竞技性的双人游戏,它结合了随机元素和玩家的即时反应,为玩家带来了一场紧张刺激的“硬币大战”。
- 随机性:每轮增加的硬币数是完全随机的,这增加了游戏的不确定性和刺激性。
- 即时反应:玩家需要快速而准确地按下空格键来增加硬币数量,这考验了玩家的反应速度和手眼协调能力。
- 竞技性:作为一款双人游戏,《Coin Tycoon: Random Battle》鼓励玩家之间进行激烈的竞争,争夺最终的胜利。
- 简服务器托管网单易懂:游戏规则简单明了,易于上手,适合各年龄段的玩家。
《Coin Tycoon: Random Battle》不仅是一款考验玩家反应速度和运气的游戏,更是一款能够增进玩家之间友谊和竞争的佳作。快来和你的朋友一起加入这场激动人心的“硬币大战”吧!
#define ROUNDS 10
typedef struct coin {
int money;
int add;
} coin;
coin player1 = { 0, 0 };
coin player2 = { 0, 0 };
void game() {
player1.add = rand() % 100 + 1;
player2.add = rand() % 100 + 1;
player1.money += player1.add;
player2.money += player2.add;
// printf("Current coins:tplayer1: %d(%d)tplayer2: %d(%d)n", player1.money, player1.add, player2.money, player2.add);
int main() {
printf("Welcome to Coin Tycoonn");
printf("This game is a two player game, where each time the spacebar is pressed, the number of hidden items for both players will randomly increase by 1-100.n");
printf("A total of %d times can be added to see who has the most coins in the end and who is lucky.n", ROUNDS);
printf("Current coins:tplayer1: %dtplayer2: %dn", player1.money, player2.money);
// 初始化随机数生成器
for (int round = 0; round player2.money) {
printf("The winner is player1 with %d coins!n", player1.money);
} else if (player2.money > player1.money) {
printf("The winner is player2 with %d coins!n", player2.money);
} else {
printf(服务器托管网"It's a tie! Both players have %d coins.n", player1.money);
return 0;
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