This document outlines how DDoS Protection can leverage the global capacity of the entire Azure datacenter network. This means that any individual region’s capacity should never be considered a concern by an end-customer.
Let’s imagine a scenario where Contoso Corp has an Azure Public IP Address A.B.C.0, which is tied to a VM in Australia Central. They are concerned that the Australia Central Region doesn’t have enough capacity to handle potential DDoS attacks on their global gaming platform. Sure, Microsoft boasts great global DDoS capacity, but what if Australia Central doesn’t have enough capacity to handle a DDoS? What will happen then?
First thing that’s important to note, however – is that Azure DDoS Protection Network Plan (formerly Standard SKU) intercepts global mitigation traffi服务器托管c as soon as traffic enters the Microsoft WAN network – wherever that might be服务器托管!
Furthermore, Microsoft&
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