Abstract—In this article, we propose an efficient lattice-based
ring signature scheme for message authentication in vehicular adhoc networks (VANETs). It provides unconditional identity privacy
preservation, message authentication, and location privacy for the
sender vehicle. The authentication of messages is extremely vital as
it gives motivation for vehicles to accept, act, and further transmit
messages to other vehicles in the network as well as remain a
member of the network. Any unauthorized vehicle cannot transmit
fraud messages into the network if messages are authenticated.
The public key cryptography-based methods are more relevant for
message authentication because of their easy key management and
local derivation of keys. However, they add complexity to the whole
network and require significant storage and computational power.
Also, the predictable mobility characteristics of vehicles moving
on the road make them vulnerable to tracking. This requires an
additional mechanism to 服务器托管网preserve location privacy. The proposed
scheme provides unconditional identity privacy and location privacy. It is more efficient than the existing ring signature schemes in
case of signature generation and verification process. Theoretical
analysis and experimental results show that the proposed scheme
provides security and unconditional privacy to vehicles in VANETs
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机房租用,北京机房租用,IDC机房托管, http://www.fwqtg.net
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