有一个常见的场景, 我们在开发过程中,要配置很多的本地host,以实现测试环境一些资源的访问,那么其它人参与进来开发的话,也得在自己电脑上配置,这样既麻烦,又容易出错。那么能不能把这些配置,写到project中去实现呢, 这样每个人本地的/etc/hosts文件中会很干净,可以随时clone启动调试而不需任何配置。答案是肯定的,那么接下来我们就使用java反射的方式来实现。
我们主要操作的对象就是java.net.InetAddress,可以从源码中看到, 该类中有两个核心的变量cache和expirySet。
// mapping from host name to Addresses - either NameServiceAddresses (while
// still being looked-up by NameService(s)) or CachedAddresses when cached
private static final ConcurrentMap cache =
new ConcurrentHashMap();
// CachedAddresses that have to expire are kept ordered in this NavigableSet
// which is scanned on each access
private static final NavigableSet expirySet =
new ConcurrentSkipListSet();
这里会有个疑问, 为啥还有个expirySet,这个问题也可以通过源码得到解决,即为了删除失效的条目。具体含义可以通过阅读注释进行理解。
// remove expired addresses from cache - expirySet keeps them ordered
// by expiry time so we only need to iterate the prefix of the NavigableSet...
long now = System.nanoTime();
for (CachedAddresses caddrs : expirySet) {
// compare difference of time instants rather than
// time instants directly, to avoid possible overflow.
// (see System.nanoTime() recommendations...)
if ((caddrs.expiryTime - now)
Class> cachedAddresses_Class = Class.forName("java.net.InetAddress$CachedAddresses");
Constructor> constructor = cachedAddresses_Class.getDeclaredConstructors()[0];
Object o = constructor.newInstance(host, toInetAddressArray(host, ip), Long.MAX_VALUE);
Field cacheField = InetAddress.class.getDeclaredField("cache");
ConcurrentMap cm = (ConcurrentMap) cacheField.get(null);
cm.put(host, o);
Field expirySetField = InetAddress.class.getDeclaredField("expirySet");
这样的话, 就可以自己封装一下,比如dns条目都写在一个文件中, 编译打包的时候, 按profile配置决定是否加载。
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