Effect of PITR on Dataguard Environment (Standby MRP Crashed with ORA-39873) (Doc ID 1591492.1) | 编辑To Bottom |
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APPLIES TO: Oracle Database Cloud Exadata Service – Version N/A and later SYMPTOMSThis document explains how to overcome MRP Crash with ORA-39874 and ORA-39873 after a Point in time (PITR) recovery on Primary. —–Stnadby Alert log———– Recovery of pluggable database aborted due to pluggable database open resetlog marker. CAUSEStandby is ahead of primary RESETLOGS changes on . have two datafiles i.e datafile 12 and 13. SOLUTION1. Make sure the corresponding standby PDB is closed. SQL>alter pluggable database close; 2. The error is expected if the DG broker is enabled. If DG broker is enabled then Stop the Apply via DG broker to avoid dg broker automatic restart of MRP. DGMGRL>edit database chicago set state=apply-off; 3. If Standby in ADG then mount it. SQL>select database_role,open_mode from v$database; SQL>shutdown immediate; We have two options to recover Standby PDB. OPTION I (Restore PDB) 1. If Standby is the backup server the go for direct restore because standby have the old backups. On Standby, RMAN> list backup of pluggable database ; NOTE : The backup SCN should be less or equal to PITR SCN. If no backup exist of lessr SCN then copy backuppiece which have less or equal SCN from primary 2. Get the PDB name SCN from the standby alert log error message (ORA-39874 and ORA-39873). RMAN>restore pluggable database until scn ; Ex, RMAN>restore pluggable database until scn 3961537; ——Standby Alert log————— Restore ..until SCN 2. Falshback to SCN NOTE :After Restore do not start MRP immediately. If MRP started by mistakenly before the standby SYNCup with primary then MRP will crash with ORA-65138. The same applies to primary flashback to Managed Standby Recovery starting Real Time Apply To Resolve, a. Take fresh backup of PDB from primary RMAN> backup pluggable database ; b. Copy the backuppiece to Standby. RMAN> restore pluggable database ; 3. Finally Open database,PDB and start MRP. RMAN>alter database open; NOTE : If DG broker enable,start MRP using, OPTION II 1. If Flashback is enabled then do flashback to服务器托管网 scn 1362129. SQL>flashback database to scn ; Ex, SQL>flashback database to scn 3961537; 2. Open database,PDB and start MRP. RMAN>alter database open; NOTE : If DG broker enable,start MRP using, |
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