- 创建字符串:
string1 = 'Hello World' # 使用单引号创建字符串
string2 = "Hello World" # 使用双引号创建字符串
string3 = '''Hello
World''' # 使用三引号创建多行字符串
- 访问字符串中的字符:
string = "Hello"
print(string[0]) # 输出第一个字符 "H"
print(string[-1]) # 输出最后一个字符 "o"
- 字符串长度:
string = "Hello"
length = len(string) # 获取字符串长度
print(length) # 输出 5
- 字符串切片:
string = "Hello World"
substring = string[0:5] # 切片,获取索引 0 到 4 的子字符串
print(substring) # 输出 "Hello"
- 字符串搜索和替换:
string = "Hello World"
index = string.find("World") # 搜索子字符串的索引位置
print(index) # 输出 6
new_string = string.replace("World", "Python") # 替换子字符串
print(new_string) # 输出 "Hello Python"
- 字符串转换大小写:
string = "Hello World"
upper_case = string.upper() # 转换为大写
lower_case = string.lower() # 转换为小写
print(upper_case) # 输出 "HELLO WORLD"
print(lower_case) # 输出 "hello world"
- 字符串格式化:
name = "Alice"
age = 25
message = "My name is {} and I am {} years old".format(name, age) # 使用格式化字符串
print(message) # 输出 "My name is Alice and I am 25 years old"
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